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Comments (2)
Karen said
at 7:28 pm on Jun 25, 2009
I absolutely LOVE your wiki! I want to make one like yours! So many blogs, wikis and like websites are so wordy and full of text. I, like the children, like graphics, bright colors...websites that have PIZAZZ! It made me want to look at everything on your site! I also like that you have a sense of humor, as shown by your funny slideshow of yourself! I can see why the kids love you and why you were voted Teacher of the Year! You have my vote! : D
Heidi Huey said
at 4:43 pm on Jun 30, 2009
So, I have only barely begun clicking away at all your links on all your wiki's and learning from a true Wiki master. My question to you is how many hours you have put into this, how much it takes you to maintain and how many wikis you have created and still maintain????? I am book marking your wiki to visit and get ideas from in all areas of teaching and technology. If you haven't won some sort of award for this wiki you should. I can only imagine what you are like as a teacher. HH
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